How many times do you say "yes" in a day?
Yes, I'll drive you to the store. Sure, I'll make you lasagna. Yea, I can make the party. Of course I can get the kids. Yes I can grab the dry cleaning. I would love to set up a play date. I do have time to volunteer. Sure I can take on some extra work.
And on, and on, and on.
But. When was the last time you said YES to yourself - and what does that even mean?
Perhaps you have been putting off trying that yoga class. Or there's a book you've been wanting to read (for two years now). Maybe you keep putting off brunch with your bestie because you're just too busy or your body has been in desperate need of a massage but you can't find the time to schedule it in.
These things may or may not apply to you, but you get the drift. You are so busy saying yes to everyone around you, that you neglect your own wants. And when you neglect your own wants long enough, you'll find yourself feeling run down, overwhelmed, burnt out, frustrated, moody, and worse of all, sick. Your immune system may be weak, you could have IBS, or you might have a chronic ache of some kind. Does this sound familiar?
There is a solution and you've heard it before because it's all over your social media accounts. It's called self care. You'll probably find it challenging at first because in order to start saying yes to yourself, you'll have to start saying "No" to others. Sound scary? That's because you're a giver and you take care of others. But know this, you cannot take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first.
When flying the attendants always say PUT YOUR OXYGEN MASK ON FIRST because if you can't breathe, how can you help others? And that is exactly how self care works. And you've heard this time and again, but consider this time a sign from the Universe. If you are reading this, then it was meant to find you.
So, don't feel guilty about putting yourself first, rather, put yourself first so you can be your best self for those you love. Say yes to exercising, hiking, meditating, reading, brunch, a spa day and whatever else you need to feel good and fill your cup. You are worth it, you deserve it, and most of all, you really need it.