April is Stress Awareness Month. Of course, you are thinking, "I am well aware of my stress." I feel that. Me too.
But realistically, if you are a Gen Xer like me, you've been taught to deal with stress in one way - Suck it up. And while that may have worked for our Boomer parents and even for us for quite some time, it's a new world with NEW stressors and even us Gen Xers must admit, we can't just continually attempt to push aside this stress.
Luckily we do have many tools at our fingertips. There are many websites that offer counseling and therapy, there are social media gurus who have tips and tricks for dealing with stress, and there are even free, guided YouTube videos that are helpful, too.
If you are like most, you probably don't have time to watch a long video and when you do have the time, you forget about it and end up binge-watching "Ted Lasso" instead. So what can you do right this second to bust up that damn stress?
First, there are many professionals, experts, and even studies that claim deep breathing can immediately calm your body, so much so that some studies have shown that deep and controlled breathing can lower blood pressure. If you need to bust up stress in the body and have 30 seconds, use it to slowly breathe in four to six seconds and out six to eight seconds. If you have up to five minutes, that's even better for your body and mind.
Now, keep in mind that stress, much of the time, comes from thinking of all we need to be doing, all that needs to be done, and all that is coming up. This leads to feeling overwhelmed, frazzled, and the complete opposite of relaxed. So if you are feeling stressed, you can immediately bust that up with the NAP - or you can take a nap and that would be great for you, too.
1-Notice your thoughts
2-Adjust your thoughts
If you are thinking that this sounds like too much work, I promise it's absolutely not - as long as you give yourself time to practice it. Let me explain. If you are extra stressed, your thoughts are likely firing off in hundreds, if not thousands, of different directions. Like this - I'm late for work. What am I making for dinner? I have a headache. How am I paying my bills this month? Who's going to watch the kids? My allergies are killing me. I have to call my mom. Did I cancel Sirius XM? I have no milk. I need a vacation. What am I wearing tomorrow? I forgot to do the laundry. I have to email the teacher back. I have to get poster board. I need to finish setting up for the work event. I have to food shop for the weekend. Are the Yankees playing tonight? I have to pick up my prescription. The kids need to go to the dentist. When was I last at the dentist? Shit, I need toothpaste.
OK, OK, you get it right? This type of thinking is SURE to create stress. This is when Noticing your thoughts comes into play. Notice that you are thinking in a frenzied state. Actually say to yourself, "I am thinking too much, too fast, and about too much." Once you've noticed your thoughts, you'll want to Adjust them. Remember, I did say you'll have to practice. Adjusting your thoughts means focusing on what you are doing in the present moment. Concentrate your thoughts and energy on the task at hand. For example, if you are at work and performing a work task, concentrate on that task, focus your thoughts on the task, and then Pause for a moment, breathe for 30 seconds, and with each breath repeat "Let Go." Then come right back to the task of that moment. When you find your mind drifting, repeat the NAP method. It will get easier and easier the more you practice and trust me, you will have tons of practice.
Another example: You are driving and notice your thoughts are running wild, creating stress. Adjust them to refocus your attention on the road, the other cars around you, the feel of the steering wheel in your hands, the seat you are in, and the music on the radio. Then pause, breathe (without taking your eyes off the road), repeat "Let Go," and come back to the present moment.
Remember, you can only control what you are doing in the present moment anyway. Once you can improve your thinking, your stress will significantly calm down. If you have a ton of things you need to remember, make lists in the morning and at night, then you can check your tasks off as you go.
One bonus tip for busting up stress ASAP? If you can, exert a ton of positive energy, real fast. Break out into a dance, turn the radio up and sing along to a fun song, run a 30-second sprint, grab a friend or family member for a hug and make them jump up and down with you. Silly? Yes. Helpful? Also, yes.