Coco Chanel said, "Don't be like the rest of them Darling".
This quote, this statement, is the one sentence I want my children to remember, with an added twist.
I say, Don't be like the rest of them my darlings, Be Better.
Don't be like the rest of them.
Don't be another carbon copy.
Don't follow the crowd.
Don't conform.
Don't be like the rest of them.
Don't fall in line.
Don't color in the lines.
Don't dabble on the line.
Don't be like the rest of them.
Don't lose yourself for fame.
Don't cheat for fortune.
Don't lie for friends.
Be Better.
Be better than you were yesterday.
Be better than they tell you to be.
Be better than you think you can be.
Be Better.
Be better than your biggest hero.
Be better than your favorite charachter.
Be better than the best person you know.
Be Better.
Be better everyday.
Read books that make you better.
Be with people who make you better.
Learn from teachers who can make you better.
Set goals that force you to be better.
Always aim for better, brighter, bolder.
Be extraordinary. Be weird. Be silly. Be fun. Be wild.
Be better....Be you.
All Love,